Please note: All Polices and Procedures are relevant as of 2022. All Policies and Procedures undergo regular review. Should you need any additional information regarding a Policy or Procedure please Contact Us 



MOMA Solar is committed to the highest levels of integrity and ethical standards, including our commitment to human rights.

MOMA Solar is committed to safe workplaces and to limiting the risk of modern slavery within its own business and supply chains. MOMA Solar processes are designed to ensure that the company sources products and services in accordance with its legal obligations and in line with community expectations and its own values, while working with suppliers to prevent, mitigate and where appropriate, remedy modern slavery practices in their operations and supply chains.


MOMA Solar has initiated a risk management process to track, manage, report, and prevent incidents where the company could potentially cause, contribute to, or be directly linked to modern slavery practices.

A Risk Questionnaire is applied to existing suppliers that are ranked as high risk. For potential and new suppliers, the Risk Questionnaire will be sent to these suppliers as part of the standard Procurement sourcing process.

Questionnaire responses that highlight a potential risk will be investigated. Where required, a remedial action plan will be agreed with the supplier with defined objectives and time frames to achieve these.

A remediation plan will be agreed between MOMA Solar and the supplier to determine the appropriate course of action to be taken within the agreed time frames. The remediation plan will be reviewed at regular intervals in conjunction with MOMA Solar and the relevant supplier.

All MOMA Solar suppliers are required to comply with the MOMA Solar Supplier Code of Conduct and are required to work with MOMA Solar on identifying and addressing the Modern Slavery risks in their respective supply chains. All suppliers are expected to promptly notify MOMA Solar of any identified or suspected, on reasonable grounds, risks of Modern Slavery practices within their own supply chains and cooperate with MOMA Solar in relation to any remediation plan to address those risks.


We ensure employees know their rights and obligations when joining our organisation through the following key factors:

Respect in the workplace.

All employees should respect their colleagues. We won’t allow any kind of discriminatory behaviour, harassment, or victimization. Employees should conform with our equal opportunity policy in all aspects of their work, from recruitment and performance evaluation to interpersonal relations.


All employees must show integrity and professionalism in the workplace.

Job duties and authority

All employees should fulfil their job duties with integrity and respect toward customers, stakeholders, and the community. Supervisors and managers mustn’t abuse their authority. We expect them to delegate duties to their team members taking into account their competences and workload. Likewise, we expect team members to follow team leaders’ instructions and complete their duties with skill and in a timely manner. We encourage mentoring throughout our company.


Employees should be friendly and collaborative. They should try not to disrupt the workplace or present obstacles to their colleagues’ work


All employees must be open for communication with their colleagues, supervisors, or team members.



As a recognised leader in the emerging Solar Lighting Industry, MOMA Solar recognises its responsibility to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to provide long term, meaningful employment, employment training and a comfortable and safe working environment. As company policy, we commit our human resource team to improving and implementing our outlined objectives in relation to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People.


MOMA Solar will endeavour to ensure equal employment opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are available. We will also further endeavour to create growth in the employment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as well as working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander owned companies and industries, supporting their growth in our sector where we can.


MOMA Solar, through our available training resources, will endeavour to educate and train our staff to further Acknowledge and respect the traditional owners of this land and improve our cultural competence and cultural awareness of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.


MOMA Solar will endeavour to develop a working environment built on respect and cooperation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, employees, and businesses. We will further participate in meaningful dialogs and celebrate important events and days/months of recognition to further work towards our goal of meaningful reconciliation.



MOMA Solar takes a zero-tolerance stance on sexual harassment in the workplace (including out of office activities, business trips and/or out of office events). It is the obligation and responsibility of every employee to ensure that the workplace is free from sexual harassment. Everyone within the MOMA Solar working environment is responsible for the care and protection of our staff by reporting any information about suspected sexual harassment within the workplace to senior staff.


Sexual harassment is any unwelcome sexual advance, unwelcome request for sexual favours, or other unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature which makes a person feel offended, humiliated, or intimidated, and where that reaction is reasonable in the circumstances.

Examples of sexual harassment include, but are not limited to:

  • The deliberate or repeated verbal comments of a sexual nature, suggestive remarks, and offensive jokes.
  • Physical contact such as touching, hugging, and brushing against another person’s body which is unsolicited.
  • A display of offensive or erotic pictures.
  • Sexual teasing, jokes, remarks, or questions.
  • Treating someone as a sex object rather than a fellow worker
  • Making decisions based on physical attributes rather than a person’s skills or experience.
  • Emailing or texting of explicit jokes or images (including during out of office hours).
  • Invading someone’s personal space without permission.
  • Inappropriate advances on social networking sites.
  • Accessing sexually explicit internet sites while at work.
  • Requests for sex or repeated unwanted requests to go out on dates.

Behaviour that may also be considered to be an offence under criminal law, such as physical assault, indecent exposure, sexual assault, stalking or obscene communications.

All above examples of sexual harassment in the workplace are gender neutral and will apply to all future and current staff. If this policy is violated disciplinary action will be taken against the individual or individuals involved. This can include criminal disciplinary action where necessary.


Wherever possible MOMA Solar will create an environment where employees feel comfortable approaching senior staff members to report behaviour they have seen or experienced that is inappropriate so action can be taken, and individuals can be protected from any further/future inappropriate behaviour. All reporting or complaints will be kept confidential out of safety and respect for the victim.

Informal action

  • Discussions with the employee and/or (where appropriate) the alleged offender to clarify the background to an incident or incidents.
  • Discussions with supervisor/s and/or manager/s to review appropriate responses to eliminate further or future instances of inappropriate behaviour.
  • Informal notification of the Director in order to flag the incident and discuss appropriate responses to the behaviour.

Formal action

  • The matter will be formally referred to the Director by the Site Manager, Supervisor, or the victim.
  • Formal interviews will be conducted with the individual experiencing the harassment and/or individuals who have been directly involved in the alleged inappropriate behaviour.
  • A written report will be prepared in relation to the nature of the harassment that has taken place as well as any evidence that support the harassment claims.
  • The offender may be terminated if unable to stop inappropriate behaviour or repeats inappropriate behaviour after formal action has taken place or if committed behaviour is deemed irredeemable within our work environment.

Some forms of sexual harassment (e.g. sexual assault, stalking, indecent exposure, physical molestation, obscene phone calls) may constitute criminal conduct. Such complaints should be dealt with by the relevant authorities (such as the police) as part of the criminal justice system. MOMA Solar will work with authorities in every capacity to ensure justice is served smoothly and quickly with as little distress as possible to the victim.



MOMA Solar practices a zero-tolerance approach to workplace bullying, harassment and/or aggressive behaviour. All workers at MOMA Solar have the

right to be treated with respect and dignity and it is required that we treat each other accordingly to create a safe and productive working environment. 


All staff must:

  • Follow the standards of behaviour outlined in this policy.
  • Offer support to people who experience discrimination, bullying or aggressive behaviour, including providing information about how to make a complaint.
  • Avoid gossip and respect the confidentiality of complaint resolution procedures.
  • Treat everyone with dignity, courtesy, and respect.


  • Things that are considered bullying/harassment/aggressive behaviour:
  • Abusive, insulting, or offensive language.
  • Behaviour or language that frightens, humiliates, belittles, or degrades an individual, including criticism that is delivered with yelling and screaming.
  • Inappropriate comments about a person’s appearance, lifestyle, or their family.
  • Teasing or regularly making someone the brunt of pranks or practical jokes.
  • Interfering with a person’s personal effects or work equipment.
  • Harmful or offensive initiation practices.
  • Isolation of workers from others (including gossiping, deliberate holding of information/equipment needed to complete their work and/or intentional exclusion from both work activities and out of work hours activities).
  • Physical assault or threats. Any form of discrimination (sexuality, gender identity, race, religion, culture, disability etc.)
  • Sexual harassment (refer to our Sexual Harassment Policy for more detail).

Things that are not considered bullying/harassment/aggressive behaviour:

  • Directing an individual on how work should be done (such as a manager assisting employees with their work)
  • Monitoring an individual’s work (as long as it is constructive and not nit-picking, aggressive criticism, personal insults or derogatory remarks that do not further the individual’s personal workplace growth)


In the event that an employee believes that they are the victim of bullying or aggressive behaviour, then they should consult promptly with their senior staff. If the matter falls within the scope of one of the definitions of bullying and aggressive behaviour, above, then immediate steps will be taken to address the matter, informally and then formally if necessary.

Informal Response:

  • Discussions with the employee and/or the alleged bully to clarify the background to an incident or incidents.
  • Discussion with supervisor and/or manager to review appropriate responses to eliminate bullying from the workplace in the future.
  • Informal notification of the Director to flag the incident and discuss appropriate responses.

If the informal response does not resolve the issue, it will be taken up to a formal response for more serious action.

Formal Response:

  • The matter will be formally referred to the Director by the Senior Staff/Supervisor/s, manager/s, or the victim.
  • Formal interviews will be conducted with the victim of the bullying behaviour and/or individuals who have been directly involved in the alleged bullying behaviour.
  • A written report will be prepared in relation to the nature of the bulling that has taken place as well as any evidence that support the bullying claims.

Resolution of this matter will then include.

  • A written reprimand presented to the accused individual.
  • Advice related to expected workplace behaviour to assist future behaviour of the accused.
  • Disciplinary action, including dismissal, on a case-by-case basis.

An external consultant may be utilized to assist in resolving the matter if warranted.



MOMA Solar is committed to creating an Equal Opportunity environment that encourages growth of a diverse future and current staff. As well as a working environment that is inclusive, rewarding, and safe to express oneself fully. Each employee and future employees’ access to available opportunities will be based on merit alone and each employee will have equal opportunity to professional growth within the working environment.


This policy applies to all current and future staff. It is does not form part of your employee contract but is binding and violation of the policy will result in disciplinary action or possible termination. Every worker should feel safe to report complaints and concerns that the policy is not being adhered by in the workplace.


  • MOMA Solar will not discriminate against:
  • Gender or sexual identity
  • Race or culture (including ethnicity, nationality, descent, or skin colour).
  • Martial or family status.


Should an act of discrimination take place within the workplace please bring up any concerns or complaints with the director or Senior Staff. Your complaint or concern will be recorded, and disciplinary action will be taken against the individual violating the policy including possible termination.



MOMA Solar is dedicated to providing renewable energy lighting solutions to industrial sectors such as Mining, Government and Construction. Our zero emissions products hold a focus on local manufacturing to support Australian businesses and the Australian Economy. We strive to supply high quality products that require minimal maintenance, fewer repairs, and reduced replacement parts.


MOMA Solar is committed to conducting business in an ethical and responsible manner. This includes respecting the internationally recognised human rights throughout our business operation:

Human rights are fundamental rights and freedoms that all people are entitled to, regardless of race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, or any other status. These rights are enshrined in the International Bill of Human Rights and other international treaties and instruments.


As MOMA solar is focused on the labour side of industry development we work with large companies that have more developed policies and procedures to handle issues such as Human Rights. Working with these companies it is to be expected of us to adhere to their policies and procedures in regard to human rights issues to ensure both parties are on the same page regarding these issues. This prompts us regularly review our policies and procedures against the United Nations Standards and ensure we are educating ourselves on any possible changes and/or developments.



At MOMA Solar we are committed to ensuring our products and company culture has a focus on sustainability. Senior management is committed to preserving and, where practicable, improving the quality of our environment including prevention of pollution as set out in the EPA (Environmental Protection Authority) Legislation. Our product goal is permanent and/or non-permanent sustainable lighting solutions that impact the environment significantly less than its alternatives. We are always striving to further improve and expand our field of expertise to provide more and more sustainable alternatives to our core sectors.


We have partnered with companies that reflect our environmental goals as much as possible. Such as Melro Rotomould that creates our bases out of recyclable plastic that can be reused at the end of its 25-year life span up to 7 times and CoatesHire whose environmental policy aligns our own vision and goals. We have also partner with the Plant a Tree Foundation in an effort to counter act our carbon footprint and restore native landscapes and habitats across areas of WA that have been previously cleared for agriculture.

We will endeavour to seek out and partner with more and more companies that share our environmental goals as well as making our own company more environmentally conscious in practice and design.


The relevant legislation that we will be following is the EPA Legislation as endorsed by the Government of Western Australia. Through this legislation we will work to comply with the state governments outlined goals of an environmentally conscious future. As a business we will work alongside EPA and their goals to work towards the “the prevention, control and abatement of pollution and environmental harm, for the conservation, preservation, protection, enhancement and management of the environment and for matters incidental to or connected with the foregoing” (https://www.epa.wa.gov.au/legislation).


We are conducting case studies whenever possible on our lighting set ups and monitor their impact on the sectors they are introduced to in order to better see our products strengths and faults and further work towards improving their environmental impact. Our case studies hold a focus on a reduction in noise and light pollution, the reduction of on-site staff needed to man just the lighting as it was before and a reduction in price of lighting needs over the same time period.



It is a key objective of MOMA Solar to operate our business in a manner that consistently meets or exceeds the quality standards set by our stakeholders. To achieve this, we are committed to continuous improvement of our operations, our products and our services provided. The intent of this policy is to provide the framework and principles for establishing and reviewing and maintaining the quality output here at MOMA Solar. Senior management and our management team are fully committed to the successful implementation and maintenance of the Management System.

Our employees are committed to the Management system and actively participate in all related processes. Staffs are required to contribute to the development of the Management system and the company’s continual improvement.

MOMA Solar will provide all resources necessary to achieve the planned objectives.


Our objectives are to supply our clients with services that meet their identified requirements and specifications, and to monitor customer satisfaction. Through careful staff selection coupled with ongoing reviews of our work practices, we aim to exceed client requirements and expectations at all times. In order to achieve this MOMA Solar believes in support systems that improve:

  • Training and motivation.
  • Adherence to documented processes.
  • Investigation of system and process deficiencies.
  • Implementation of effective corrective action.
  • Assessment of customer satisfaction.
  • Establishment and ongoing measurement of performance standards, business objectives and continual improvement.
  • We will also implement quality monitoring systems such as:
  • Following up on sales to ensure everything it is running smoothly or to expectations.
  • Practicing a can-do attitude when it comes to special requests or additional assistance. Moving away from saying “no” to “we’ll see what we can do”
  • Offering services and on-site assistance to clients when needed.
  • Taking on all feedback (both positive and negative) in order to improve or change areas when needed.

This policy statement is given as an assurance of our commitment to quality and ISO 9001:2015



MOMA Solar is committed to improving all areas of Quality, Safety & Health and Environment within our company. As an overview of out more in-depth policies, this OSHE Policy will outline these key areas and our objectives/commitments to these areas.


Here at MOMA Solar our objectives are to supply our clients with services that meet their identified requirements and specifications, and to monitor customer satisfaction. Through careful staff selection coupled with ongoing reviews of our work practices, we aim to always exceed client requirements and expectations.

We believe that this is achieved through:

  • Training and motivation.
  • Adherence to documented processes.
  • Investigation of system and process deficiencies.
  • Implementation of effective corrective action.
  • Assessment of customer satisfaction.
  • Establishment and ongoing measurement of performance standards, business objectives and continual improvement.

Senior management and our management team are fully committed to the successful implementation and maintenance of the Management System. Our employees are committed to the Management system and actively participate in all related processes. Staffs are required to contribute to the development of the Management system and the company’s continual improvement.

MOMA Solar follows documented processes that comply to the requirements of AS/NZS ISO 9001:2015

(Please refer to our Quality Policy for more information)


MOMA Solar has a very strong commitment to the provision of a safe and healthy work environment, safe systems of work, maintained equipment, consultation, training and competent supervision. The company follows documented processes that meet and surpass the requirements of AS 4801:2001.

Senior management recognises that our most valuable resource is our employees and is committed to measurable objectives and targets to ensure continual improvement aimed at eliminating work-related injury, illness and disease as far as practicable; including compliance with relevant OSH legislation and with other requirements placed upon the organisation or to which the organisation subscribes. Our system is documented, implemented, maintained and communicated to all employees; is available to interested parties; and is reviewed periodically to ensure it remains relevant and appropriate to the organisation.

(Please refer to our Safety and Health policy for more information)


Senior management is committed to preserving and where practicable improving the quality of our environment. We will continually strive for improvement to our environment and reduce the negative effects of our operations. 

We will continue to identify and comply with all legal and other requirements which relate to our environmental aspects; our environmental objectives and targets are identified, documented, and regularly reviewed.

We recognise that we are but one stakeholder in our environment and we will gladly provide this policy and other documents, of a non-commercial nature, to interested parties.

This policy statement is given as an assurance of our commitment to our environment and AS14001:2016.

(Please refer to our environmental policy for more information)


It is the responsibility of all employees to actively participate in all related activities.

The company shall hold planned management meetings to review company objectives and implement improvements.

The company encourages consultation and communication with all interested parties and shall provide all resources necessary to achieve the above objectives.